If you've searched this far into the site, maybe you're the one to bring NANMT back to life.
All it takes is a dedicated core of Nurse Massage Therapists to take the helm. The vision of NANMT is strong and very pertinant. The gains NANMT facilitated in its day are still relevant and easily revitalized.
It's easy to incorporate, less easy to obtain a tax-excempt status, and relatively easy to set up an infrastructure through which membership can be built. At its peak NANMT held regional and national conventions, which facilitated great networking, and generated money! If you build it, they will come....
Contact andy@nanmt.org if you're interested.
NANMT can generate income
1. advertising in a newsletter (see next block for possible rates)
2. offering an online referral network
3. offering members an online webpage
4. T-shirts and merchandise.
5. Online advertising
NANMT Sponsoring Opportunities within NANMT Newsletter/Magazine
NANMT has had a strong newsletter, even a magazine, that paid for itself in advertising. NANMT produced a quarterly publication mailed to the ever growing NANMT mailing list. Ads were due 25 days prior to publication. Prices were: single issue / yearly.
Full Page (7” x 9”) $200 / $600
1/2 Page (5.5” x 4.5”) $100 / $300
1/4 Page (5.5” x 2.3”) $50 / $200
Specs: DPI at least 150 dpi
Formats: jpg, gif png formats